Saturday, October 2, 2010

Case 39

Not at all what I expected from the trailers, & it definitely wasn't a big scare (horror movies rarely impress these days) but still a good film. I don't want to reveal too much from this one since, it has a twist and revealing it would ruin the whole movie. I give it 3 AND A HALF JUICY MANGOES. Zellweger fans will enjoy seeing her in a different genre, (I don't think I've ever seen her in horror) we all know the woman's acting skills are amazing so no critiques there. The only weak link was Cooper, he isn't believable as a psychologist, sorry. Still a good film very entertaining.

You Again

The critics trashed this one, and I almost went with their reviews, going with the intention to sit in it, until the movie I wanted to see started. Well they say always judge for yourself, and I liked this movie. Yes it isn't the most serious and thought provoking film, the ending was predictable, & at times some of the jokes were corny . But I still liked it, and it was very entertaining. I can't knock this movie, it had some wonderful actresses Curtis, White, & Weaver and the plot is one I can relate to. Imagine for those of us that were teased in school, or had enemies (basically everyone)that you return home to find your brother marrying your Arch nemesis. I wouldn't react nicely to that, Bell found herself in this situation, and how she handles it is nothing short of catastrophic. The twist is Curtis & Weaver also find themselves in the same predicament as their younger counterparts, and watching the petty competition between these two women was hilarious. If you're looking for something light and fun, this is your movie 3 JUICY MANGOES.

The Social Network

I was very excited to see this movie, from the time the previews hit the public, and let me tell you it did not disappoint. Eisenberg was phenomenal as Zuckerberg & the movie wasted no time jumping right into the inspiration for his site. Very fast paced using flash back technique, the film vacillates between two different periods when he creates his internet juggernaut and when he faces legal woes from various sources. Each giving their account as to how the idea of Facebook came about and how they contributed to its creation & operation. Some say the film portrayed Zuckerberg as a theif, liar, backstabber and greedy villain, but I didn't get that from it for me he remained lovable (and it's not because I'm addicted to his site). Maybe we can debate on this after you've all seen the movie. FOUR AND A HALF JUICY MANGOES, this must be seen by all.

Let Me In.

Where do I begin with this one, the critics loved it: but like its Swedish counterpart this was dull & uneventful to me. 'Let me in' edges over 'Let the right one in', only because its in English and I can understand what they say. I wish I could have said I loved it,and I guess I must be missing the point of the movie, but it does nothing for me & the story line seems so ridiculous. A lonely boy, who's bullied by schoolmates and abandoned by his parents, finds a friend in this mysterious girl that moves in his complex with her father. With their arrival a string of gruesome, and violent deaths hit this dull community. Leaving Oscar to question, who or what this girl really is, and whether or not he'll be able to live without her. I give it 2 JUICY MANGOES, if you're interested in something different this is definitely one to see.

Wall Street 2: Money Never Sleeps

I didn't know what to expect with this movie since I didn't see the 1st one, but anything with Shia is always great, and this was no exception. Now 4 those that don't like their plot spoiled DO NOT READ AHEAD, it was great I give it 4 JUICY MANGOES go see it. Those interested in story, I will continue. Shia's character is a hot young investor/ trader (or whatever he does on wall street) who works for a top investment bank. He's engaged to a beautiful girl (Mulligan) who also happens to be Gordon Geko's (Douglas) estranged daughter. All is well until Shia's bank goes under, taking the head of the company and his mentor with it. With the help of Geko, Shia searches for the conspirator that cause the collapse, with a sweet taste of revenge as his motive. But can Geko be trusted, will he succeed with his plans or does he lose it all money & love to WALL STREET??? You'll have to see to find out. Thrilling from start to finish, well acted by all the major players, this movie never falls flat staying current with our present financial crises. FOUR JUICY MANGOES it is a must see. I'm about to search netflix for the prequel, stay tuned for comparison later.