Monday, March 29, 2010

Plenty More to Come

I've seen so many movies, but I've been lazy to blog will try to update as much as possible this week do forgive me


I was anticipating this movie for so long and compared to the two I saw before it, this was a Masterpiece. Without comparisons however, this film did disappoint, I expected a little more. Emily Blunt and Anthony Hopkins were brilliant in their portrayal of the characters. Del Torro was kinda out of place and movie smartly rationalizes this, by making him the prodigal son that returns from America after a family tragedy. His brother was killed by the Wolfman and after investigating he becomes bitten and infected also becoming a Werewolf. I will stop here since the movie has twists and I don't want to spoil it for anyone. I give it 3 juicy mangoes could have been better but still entertaining.

Percy Jackson and the Olympians

Another silly film, a slight improvement from Valentines Day but still crappy (this was a bad weekend for movies). Its suppose to be following the Harry Potter series, however the likelihood of that happening, with this beginner is slim to none. Percy the half human son of the Water God is accused of stealing the lightning bolt from Zeus and because of this the Gods are on the brink of a war. Its up to Percy and his special friends to find the bolt and prevent a war, which would obviously be greatly disrupting to the world. The all- star cast couldn't save this movie either, Uma Thurman, Peirce Brosnan, Rosario Dawson were all pointless in this film. Some of characters were ghastly, yes I'm talking about the token black, half human half goat sidekick: watching him was painful. 1 and half mangoes I disliked it.

Valentines Day

Its been a long time since updating and I have so much to review so I'll start with this crap fest, that not even its A list cast could save. Pure trash , I won't even try to confuse you with the story line since they're so many characters and they all interlink. It was supposed to be the American version to Love Actually but fails miserably and pales in comparison. From the beginning I was annoyed and had to restrain myself from walking out of the movie. Very bad, no mangoes well maybe 1 for effort but that's it.